We've all experienced some form of a creative block before. Maybe you simply couldn't figure out how to start your essay for English class. Maybe you couldn't decide how to start your watercolor painting. Maybe you couldn't think of lyrics for your song you were writing for fun. Well, I'm here to help! It can be tough getting the creative juices flowing, but here are some tips and tricks.

1. Keep an idea notebook.
It can be hard thinking of ideas on the spot. Instead, whenever you get an idea, quickly write it down before you forget them forever! Ideas hit at the most unexpected times, so keep an "idea radar" on in your brain 24/7, like a little CCTV camera. I came up with a lot of plot ideas for a novel I'm writing while in the shower, while cooking, while watching TV, you name it!

2. Write down your dreams
Dreams are weird and wonderful things. My dreams are honestly so weird and random, and sometimes the wackiest stories can make for the most interesting ones! Like ideas, if you don't write them down immediately after waking up, they'll vanish into ether. I mean, I once had a dream that I put too much baking soda in pancake batter, and it grew to the size of a house! These kind of funny events are unlikely to happen in real life, unfortunately.

3. Read, Watch, Observe!
There has never been a totally original novel, all stories get inspiration from other stories, and twist them into completely new ideas! Where else to get inspiration, than from other like-minded people? This can be from TV shows plots, your favorite book, or even anecdotes like the time your friend's sister tried to start a lizard farm. There's a never ending source of ideas awaiting! Anyway, it's not stealing if you get inspiration, as long as you change it and make it yours.

4. Surf the Web
No, I don't mean watching funny giraffe videos for the entire afternoon. Read up on something weird, interesting or funny! From bizarre types of insects to types of rock climbing styles to how to bake brownies, sometimes learning about the most oddly specific things can spark an idea. And even if you don't come up with the entire plot for your next great novel while researching, at least you'll be a strong contender for Trivia Night!

5. Listen to music
No, really listen. What are the lyrics saying? What's the tone of the song? Sad, angsty, confident? What is the message your favorite singer is trying to convey to the audience? If you think about it, songs are actually poetry, but with a catchy melody! It also can put you in a good mood for writing. I got the idea for this blog post while listening to music, specifically Bad Boy by Red Velvet (the message of the song? Ditch someone who doesn't make you feel special). Music is a great way to help get you up and writing!

6. Take a Break
This is the most important tip on the list. Sometimes trying to come up with ideas on the spot can be stressful, nerve-wracking and not a fun experience. It might even demotivate you! It's important to take a break, because ideas pop up when you least expect it. Go water your papaya tree, call up your best friend, pop on a sheet mask and binge-watch some K-drama. It's up to you! Don't worry, an idea will always come to you, so don't be too hard on yourself when you can't think of anything.
Happy writing!