Day three of Lockdown Diary entries- you know the drill. This time, my entry is about the hobbies I developed throughout this lockdown, and how lockdown helped me try things I would never have tried normally. Enjoy!

You know that feeling, when days pass by in a hazy blur, with activities keeping you busy every possible second? That was what my life was like, pre-lockdown. When the lockdown started, it was agonising to find some productive activity to do. After all, there’s a limit on the amount of Netflix you could watch before you turn into an emotionless zombie. Before lockdown, I didn’t even know it was possible for a complete extrovert like me to spend three months at home, and not seeing anyone other than my family. I never cared to explore the whole new world of indoor exercise. But when the times change, we have to adapt along with them. After baking loaf after loaf of banana bread, it didn’t take long for the novelty of lockdown to wear off. I had to find other ways to keep myself busy. As much of a couch potato as I may be, I found doing yoga everyday a rewarding habit to cultivate, and I became more calm as a result. I now have time to do things like learn Korean, start a blog and a YouTube channel, grow my own okra, and even dance around my room like a maniac (try it, it’s life-changing). Pre-lockdown, I would never have done any of these activities. I discovered new K-pop groups I love, and my new favorite TV show. It changed the way I looked at things, because it was like the world stopped for a while, and we could adjust our perspectives. It gave us a chance to discover things we enjoyed, and get rid of the things we didn’t. When the world picks up again, I know I’ll be swept into the whirlwind of it all, but I’ll make sure I find time to continue the activities I love, and keep up with the habits I cultivated this lockdown.